As countries decentralize their systems and service delivery, Abt Global has a fruitful legacy of partnering with sub-national governments and communities to strengthen transparency, citizen engagement, and local governance. Our experts build capacity and responsiveness at all levels to support the political, administrative, and economic processes of decentralized government. We support the building of bridges between civil society and government for a collaborative model of governance. Abt’s insights support evidence-informed policymaking that responds to challenges in health, environment, and economic development. Equity is central to our approach, and working within a decentralized system means understanding the nuances of local decision-making to better serve disadvantaged populations.
- Locally Led Planning and Budgeting Processes
- Citizen Engagement, Transparency, and Accountability
- Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (Gedsi)
- Enabling Environment for Private Sector Investment
Clients Include
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
U.S. Agency for International Development
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office