Elizabeth Copson, Abt Global; Danielle Fumia and Tim Griffith, MEF Associates
With funding from the H-1B visa program, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) funded 46 grantees to expand registered apprenticeship into new sectors and underrepresented populations. The new sectors included healthcare, and the underrepresented populations included women, young men and women of color, people with disabilities, and veterans. DOL commissioned an evaluation of AAI to build evidence about the effectiveness of registered apprenticeship for apprentices and employers. This report presents findings on grantee program operations over the course of the grant period. The report documents the number of apprenticeship programs and apprentices grantees collectively registered and their implementation of pre-apprenticeship programs.
Among the findings are that grantees collectively:
- exceeded the apprenticeship program registration and apprentice registration targets in their grant applications
- diversified apprenticeship occupations in nontraditional sectors: healthcare, information technology, and advanced manufacturing
- registered apprentices from underrepresented populations
- met targets for pre-apprentice enrollment and enrolled pre-apprentices from underrepresented populations.
Learn more about the AAI evaluation.