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Alexandria Recurring Income for Success and Equity (ARISE)

Alexandria Recurring Income for Success and Equity (ARISE)

Rising income inequality has left many residents of Alexandria, VA, struggling to make ends meet, including many who are working. To determine how best to support them, the city of Alexandria launched a pilot to provide select residents who earn less…
Research to Address Homelessness in California

Research to Address Homelessness in California

As affordable housing shrinks and poverty persists—particularly in the wake of COVID-19—California continues to face a complex homelessness crisis. To get a true understanding of the scope and nature of the challenge, the California Legislature passed a…
Exploring Lessons from SSA Disability Policy Demonstrations

Exploring Lessons from SSA Disability Policy Demonstrations

Since the 1980s, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has tested many new policies and programs to improve work outcomes for Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income recipients. These demonstrations covered…
Smiling male student with backpack

Evaluating the ‘Wise Guys’ Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program in North Carolina

Despite steady declines during the past 20 years, teen birth rates in the U.S. are higher than those of other countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom. Studies and teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) initiatives often target adolescent females. Less…
Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE)

Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE)

The Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE) study was designed to produce rigorous evidence for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers about the effectiveness of nine career pathways approaches that sought to increase credentials,…
smiling kids in line at cafeteria

School Meal Reforms’ Impacts on Nutrition and Costs

The National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs (NSLP/SBP) underwent widespread changes beginning in school year 2012-2013. USDA needed to know how these food, nutrition and price reforms affected school food authorities and student participation.
medical professional

Healthcare Career Pathways Program Helps More Low-Income Latinos Earn Credentials

Most healthcare jobs require postsecondary education or training. But many low-income, low-skilled Latinos face barriers to completing even short-term training for entry-level jobs due to low basic skills, limited finances, and other personal factors…
austin skyline

Evaluating a Permanent Supportive Housing Pay for Success Initiative in Austin, Texas

Despite growing evidence of the effectiveness of permanent supportive housing, local governments often have difficulty securing the necessary investments to expand the programs. The Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO), in partnership with the…
healthcare professionals

Pathways to Healthcare Boosts College Entry, Training Hours and Credentials

Adults with low skills or limited English proficiency face poor employment and earnings prospects. Postsecondary training is one way to improve job opportunities if the training aligns with industries’ local demand for skilled workers. Access to training…
medical professionals

Health Careers for All Increased Healthcare Training Enrollment

Healthcare jobs are projected to be the fastest-growing occupations in the next decade. Almost all jobs in healthcare require postsecondary education or training, whether for  entry-level employment or for advancement to higher-paying positions. But many…