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Job Search Assistance (JSA) Strategies Evaluation
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs typically provide job search assistance (JSA) in addition to their income-support role. JSA strategies can include group, one-on-one, or self-directed activities. While there is evidence JSA…
SNAP to Skills (S2S) Technical Assistance Initiative
For the SNAP to Skills (S2S) technical assistance initiative of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, Abt is partnering with the project lead, the Seattle Jobs Initiative, to create tools and resources for states to develop demand-driven Supplemental…
TSPi Enhances Customer Experience with
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) faced the challenge of streamlining access to information, tools, and resources for farmers, ranchers, and landowners.
Evaluating Minnesota's Teen Outreach Program
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funded 16 grantees, including Hennepin County, Minn., to replicate and evaluate evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs. Abt Global conducted a rigorous evaluation of Hennepin County’s…
Lauren Dunton
For 15 years, Lauren Dunton has been working in homelessness, housing, workforce, and education research at Abt. As an experienced Project Director, Dunton manages research and technical assistance projects for a range of federal agencies and foundation clients. She has expertise in qualitative data collection and analysis, including coordinating and conducting site visits and managing the collection of site-level administrative data.
Daniel Gubits, Ph.D.
Daniel Gubits conducts research in the areas of housing, homelessness, economic self-sufficiency and disability policy. Gubits’ expertise is in econometric modeling, data analysis, and random assignment program evaluation.Gubits serves as the director of analysis for the Family Options Study, conducted for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He is also leading the impact analysis work for the Social Security Administration’s Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) project. Both of these are random assignment impact evaluations.
Jeffrey Lubell, J.D.
Jeffrey Lubell — a leading authority on housing and community development — is the director of Housing and Community Initiatives at Abt Global. In that capacity, he provides policy, program and research expertise to assist policymakers in solving the nation’s pressing challenges in the areas of affordable housing, economic inclusion and asset-building, and community development.
Lawrence Buron, Ph.D.
Lawrence Buron is an applied economist specializing in housing policy and the impact of government programs on labor market and quality-of-life outcomes of individuals and communities. An experienced leader of large-scale research and evaluation projects, he has led evaluations of the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV), HOPE VI, post-disaster housing options, and community redevelopment programs. He directs a random-assignment study of 36-month outcomes from 29 Health Profession Opportunity Grants and other innovative education and training programs to improve the career pathways and economic well-being of low-income, low-skilled workers.
Sarah Gibson
Sarah Gibson is a project-management specialist with 23 years of experience in public policy research. She has more than 20 years of experience managing complex projects, implementing random assignment studies and researching and analyzing policy for clients such as the Social Security Administration and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. She is proficient in project management, including resource management, budgeting and quality control. She develops process improvement recommendations, identifies end-user system requirements, and designs and delivers training. She helps federal agencies implement regulations and track progress toward meeting goals.