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901 - 910 of 1132 results

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Recovering From Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Recovering From Hurricanes Irma and Maria

In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria left behind a massive trail of destruction in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Local officials were faced with the challenge of quickly and efficiently assessing the most pressing needs, and determining how to…
Increasing Climate Change Resilience Among HUD Grantees

Increasing Climate Change Resilience Among HUD Grantees

Climate change is a crisis impacting communities across the United States, and Americans are already feeling its effects. While climate-related hazards have devastating effects on all communities, low- and moderate-income communities, including…
smokestack emmissions

eGRID: Estimating Air Pollution Emission Rates for Power Generation in the United States

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) is the preeminent source of data on the environmental characteristics of electric power generated in the United States. It’s based on available plant…
drinking water at bubbler

Setting a Health-Based Benchmark for Lead in Drinking Water

Abt Global provided technical assistance to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water to support the development of a draft report outlining potential approaches to inform a health-based benchmark for lead…
Evaluating an Innovative Job Corps Pilot Program

Evaluating an Innovative Job Corps Pilot Program

Abt Global and its partner, MDRC, evaluated a Job Corps pilot program, the Cascades Job Corps College and Career Academy (CCCA), for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The Cascades pilot was an ambitious and evidence-based attempt to increase education…
Man showing group of women a cookstove

Partnering to Promote Advanced Cook Stoves

Use of advanced cook stoves is one of the primary means to reduce indoor air pollution. Advanced clean cooking devices are designed to reduce smoke emissions and save fuel through better combustion. Abt Global implemented the Market-based Partnerships…
people being trained

Using TAACCCT Grants to Develop and Expand Innovative Training

Through the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program, the U.S. Department of Labor provided four rounds of grants to community colleges and other eligible institutions of higher education to expand and improve…
young students using virtual reality headsets

The National Evaluation of Investing in Innovation (I3)

Investing in Innovation (i3) is a signature U.S. Department of Education-funded competitive grant program to fund school districts and nonprofit organizations to improve student outcomes. The i3 program has awarded more than $1.3 billion to 172 grantees…
Healthworker in medical room

4th Sector Health: Alliances in Latin America and the Caribbean

To leverage corporate and USAID funding bringing additional resources and solutions to health issues of the poor, 4th Sector Health was created. Funded by USAID’s Latin America/Caribbean Regional Bureau, the project promoted and developed public-private…