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Empowering Women and Catalyzing Markets to Improve Nutrition
What influences a women’s ability to provide a balanced diet for herself and her household? In Bangladesh, the complex food system involves agriculture and non-agriculture market actors who affect food availability, access, utilization, and stability…
Building the Next Generation of Resilient Ugandans
Statistically, the average Ugandan is a poor, malnourished, 14-year-old girl living in a rural area, prone to drop out of school and at extreme risk of pregnancy and early marriage. Her well-being is a bellwether for all Ugandans. She must thrive if the…
Best Practices to Improve International Solid Waste Management
Many medium and large cities in developing countries lack the capacity to adequately manage solid waste. Limited awareness of best practices for waste management and lack of access to key technical resources are key barriers to improvement. Inadequate…
Health Effects from Exposure to Aerosolized Cyanobacterial Toxins
Toxic cyanobacteria blooms, or cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs), are becoming increasingly problematic as a result of climate change processes and reduction of oxygen in bodies of water around the globe; Florida has been significantly impacted.
Where Should the UK’s International Development Programme Focus and Why?
Our thoughts on where the UK’s new international development strategy should focus for maximum impact, and why.
Breaking Cassandra’s Curse: Advancing Climate Legislation Through Better Communication
In this blog, Abt’s Jonathan Dorn, Ph.D., explains why “scientific uncertainty” doesn’t mean scientists aren’t certain that humans are causing climate change.
COVID-19 is Disrupting Food Waste Programs: What Does this Mean for Methane Emissions?
Webinar Series: Reimagining Private Capital for SDGs
Webinar Series: The Future of Health Systems