431 - 440 of 933 results
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How Do the Impacts of Healthcare Training Vary with Credential Length? Evidence from the Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program
Our analysis of HPOG subgroups defined by program experiences found weak evidence that long-term credentials led to meaningfully larger earnings impacts.
How Do States Assist Refugees with TANF and Refugee Cash Assistance? Survey of State Refugee Coordinators Provides Insight
Estimating the Impact of Emergency Assistance on Educational Progress for Low-Income Adults: Experimental and Nonexperimental Evidence
Three nonexperimental approaches returned poor estimates of the impact of emergency assistance on educational progress for job trainees.
Effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination in Peru — PRIME cohort
Incidence of confirmed influenza in pregnant women in Peru was twice as high for those who weren’t vaccinated compared with those who were.
How Can Pull Mechanisms Address Market Failures in a Developing Country's Agricultural Sector?
Implementation of a Goal-Oriented Approach to Providing Employment Services to Cash Assistance Recipients: The Lifelong Learning Initiative in Ramsey County, Minnesota
Expanding Apprenticeship to New Sectors and Populations: The Experiences and Outcomes of Apprentices in the American Apprenticeship Initiative
Most AAI apprentices and pre-apprentices completed their programs and experienced substantial earnings gains, with some differences in outcomes by subgroup.
Evaluation of the Oncology Care Model: Performance Periods 1-9
Abt’s report on CMS’s Oncology Care Model found net losses for Medicare, but payment reductions for some cancers could offer pathways toward value-based care.