181 - 185 of 185 results
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Mexico Competitiveness Program
Good governance is critical to Mexico’s long-term competitiveness. Improved competitiveness, in turn, is the key to rational and efficient use of the country’s natural-resource base. This is particularly important for rural producers who live in…
Building a Knowledge Base to Teach Adults to Decode
Decoding is an essential skill to read words that a person may only have heard spoken. It is not just important for children. Millions of U.S. adults are non-literate or can perform only simple, literacy tasks. They need decoding skills, too—although…
Developing the SafeWater CBX Benefit-Cost Model
More than 140 unregulated chemicals contaminate public water supplies in 42 states. The risk to consumers is unclear because researchers haven’t figured out the threshold for when they cause harm. To weigh regulatory options, the Environmental Protection…
Supporting Low-Income Veteran Households Experiencing—or At-Risk of Experiencing—Homelessness
Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) is a Veterans Affairs program that provides grants to more than 250 private, non-profit organizations (grantees) and consumer cooperatives that rapidly re-house low-income Veteran households. The goal is…
HETA: Powering Health with Clean Energy in Africa
Across sub-Saharan Africa, at least 100,000 health facilities lack access to reliable electricity and internet connections. This gap threatens health when clinics can’t keep the lights on for nighttime services or reliably provide patients with oxygen…