131 - 140 of 309 results
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COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Needs
COVID-19’s effect on behavioral health will last longer than its effect on physical health, and Abt can help address these longer-term issues.
Effective and Innovative Communications Strategies for the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Abt Can Help
Household capacity to adapt to climate change and implications for food security in Trinidad and Tobago
Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Reduce Overweight and Obesity in Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review
Kate Durocher
Kate Durocher has more than 25 years of experience in marketing and communication. The first half of her career focused heavily on digital marketing and activation for consumer and pharmaceutical brands when she worked at advertising agencies and as a marketing director for WebMD. For the past decade she has focused on public health communication and community engagement for federal clients.
Yes, We Can! – Strategies for Raising Compensation for the Child Care Workforce
Inadequate compensation of the early care and education (ECE) workforce has been a persistent problem in the U.S. and has reached a critical juncture. Particularly in the current economic environment, childcare providers are struggling to find and retain qualified educators, leaving fewer options for parents and less quality care and education for their young children. At the same time, those who do serve as early childhood educators, disproportionately women and individuals of color, often contend with low pay, limited benefits, and few opportunities for job advancement.